Luganda version
Nga bwebyategezebwa Tom Waisswa okuva eri Babirye Eva
Nze mbade mulimi wa lumonde era nga mbade nima ebika 3 Kakamega, ejumula ne kaala naye kati natandika n’okulunda embizzi”

Babirye agamba nti yatandika okulunda embizzi oluvanyuma ly’okufuna ‘how to guide’ ekwata kukulunda ebizzi(how to guide buba butabo obutono obubamu amawurile agakwata kubulunzi n’obulimi agakunganyizibwa aba Celac project) era kano akatabo n’obulala bunji tubufuna nga tuli mu zimu ku nkungana zaffe eziyitibwa ‘knowledge forum’ (enkungana z’okuwanyisiganya ebirowoozo) Bwenamala okusoma akatabo kano ne’nsalawo okutandika okulunda ebizzi Mukyala Babirye bwa nyonyola.

Agenda mumaso n’okunnyonnyola ;-“Natandika n’embizzi emu naye kati ninna nnya ebbiri nkulu era emu nkazi eri ggwako ebbiri nto” Kundabilira agamba bwati; Eri egwako nagiteka mu kiyumba,ate zino endala nzisiba kumiguwa kubanga ekiyumba kifunda era eno eli olubuto bw’eneba ezade nja kutunda kububizzi obumu nsobole okugaziya kukiyumba.

Bwezirwala omusuja nfumba emilandila j’ejobyo n’ekigaji bwe bimala okuwola nga nziwa nga zinya edagala linno liwonya n’enjoka .Ate kwo okulya nziwa amalagala galumonde,ku makya emisana ne’nziwo ebikuta bwa lumonde ate olwegulo ne’nziwa lumonde omufumbe. Amazzi zinnywa misana era enkulu zinywa liters (soma lita ) taano ento zzo zinnywa matonotono.Bwatyo Eva bwannyonnyola..

Babirye agamba ,amagezi ag’okulunda n’okulabilila embizzi nagajja mu butabo ‘how to guides ne ku’omu ku b’ekibiina ky’abalimi ba CELAC Luwero eyatuyigiriza mu zimu ku nkungana zetubamu nga tukubaganya ebirowoozo

Mukuwumba wumba Mukyala Eva Babirye Celac agyogelako bwatti:“Njize ebintu bingi okuva mu Knowledge forums nga ojeeko okulima kati nunda embizzi ate nga ngenda nakutandika kulunda nkoko amangu ddala”,era bino byona mbituseko lwa Celac n’enkungana z’okukubaganya ebilowozo zetubaamu n’amagezi gebatuwa nga batusindikila SMS ku masimu gafe

Mukyala Eva Babirye y’omu kubalimi ba Celac agricultural net work ey’eLuwero


English version

Compiled by Tom Waisswa as told by Babirye Eva of Luwero district

Eva Babirye of Kikasa Wobulenzi Trading center is one of the farmers of Luwero district network. She talked about her recent improvement from the courtesy of the CELAC project. This is what she had to Say: “I have been an orange sweet potato farmer, engaged in growing of 3 sweet potato types, kakamega, ejumula and kaala”.

Right now I have taken up rearing pigs as a result of the information that I get from CELAC how to guides, SMS sent to us and the knowledge sharing forums that we conduct in our group as CELAC Luwero district farmers’ network.

“I have four pigs with one of them expecting” says Eva. When asked how and why she decided to start rearing pigs, Eva had this to say ‘I got the idea of rearing pigs from one of the ‘how to guides’ which were given to us during a CELAC knowledge sharing forum (the how to guides are distributed by CELAC to all its members country wide wit information on how to rear various animals and crop growing). It was after reading through this ‘how to guide’, continues Eva that I picked interest and thereafter decided to start rearing pigs.

I started with one pig but now they have increased to 4. I keep the one expecting under a shelter which I built for it, the others I tie on ropes out side because I don’t have enough shelter if the one expecting delivers I intend to sale some of the younger ones so that I get money to build a bigger shelter which can accommodate all the pigs.

Whenever they fall sick, I give them aloe Vera mixed with roots from ejjobyo (this is a luganda word for an edible legume plant) after boiling and cooling the mixture. This cures swain fever, and worms.

When it comes to feeding I feed them basically on the various verities of sweet-potatoes which I grow in the morning I give them fresh potato leaves during the day I feed them on sweet-potato peelings and in the evening I give them cooked sweet-potatoes. I also give them water during the day.

The older ones take five liters per meal, while the younger ones take less. Babirye said she gets all these ideas on how to treat and feed her pigs from one of their CELAC members’ who taught the group during one of the CELAC knowledge sharing forums and through reading the how to guides. That is what Eva had to say when she was asked on how she feeds shelters and treats her animals.

Eva also had this to say about how the CELAC program has helped them. “I have learnt a lot from the knowledge sharing forums” like now I have been able to diversify because apart from growing sweet-potatoes I now rear pigs I also intend to start rearing chicken soon and all this has been attributed to the forums which were started by the CELAC project where we exchange ideas.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by kasirye earnest on May 26, 2010 at 4:49 am

    Am kasirye earnest, a pig farmer with over 12
    pigs and need some assistance interms of knowledge and capital.am based in wakiso district.thank you so much.


  2. Posted by kasirye earnest,0782275744 on May 26, 2010 at 4:53 am

    kasirye earnest can be contacted on 0782275744.ww
    where and how Naads can be contacted to help pig farmers like me?Anybody with information, pse let me know.kasigwanga@yahoo.com


  3. Posted by Zziwa Medi on February 8, 2016 at 5:20 pm

    Mwebale kugabana naffe byemumanyi naye fridge eyo singa otuwadde kukifaananyi, celac kyeki?


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